(Select required context)
Abberton Reservoir (PIPPY58) Abberton Reservoir (clarebu) Abbotts Wood Aber Falls (clarebu) Aber Falls (PIPPY58) Aberdeenshire Aberffraw (clarebu) Aberffraw (PIPPY58) Acres Down (PIPPY58) Acres Down (clarebu) Airstrip Alder Flycatcher Aldreth (PIPPY58) Aldreth (clarebu) Aldreth Road Aleutian Tern Allen's Gallinule Alpine Accentor Alpine Swift Amberley Wildbrooks RSPB American Bittern American Coot American Golden Plover American Herring Gull American Kestrel American Purple Gallinule American Redhead American Redstart American Robin American Wigeon Ancient Murrelet Anglesey Angus Appledore (clarebu) Appledore (PIPPY58) Aquatic Warbler ARC pits Arctic Redpoll Arctic Skua Arctic Tern Arctic Warbler Ardingly Argyll and Bute Arne RSPB (PIPPY58) Arne RSPB (clarebu) Ashdown Forest (PIPPY58) Ashdown Forest (clarebu) At home Audley End auk sp. Avocet Ayrshire Babraham Baillon's Crake Baird's Sandpiper Bald Eagle Balearic Shearwater Bar Hill Bar-tailed Godwit Barn Owl Barnacle Goose Barnes WWT (PIPPY58) Barnes WWT (clarebu) Barred Warbler Barrow Common (clarebu) Barrow Common (PIPPY58) Barrow's Goldeneye Bayfield Bird Walk (clarebu) Bayfield Bird Walk (PIPPY58) Beach Beacon Ponds (PIPPY58) Beacon Ponds (clarebu) Bean Goose Bearded Tit Beaulieu Road Station (PIPPY58) Beaulieu Road Station (clarebu) Bedfordshire Belmanarsh Bay (clarebu) Belmanarsh Bay (PIPPY58) Belted Kingfisher Benacre Broad (PIPPY58) Benacre Broad (clarebu) Berkshire Berlin area Bewick's Swan Billockby Bimaculated Lark Birchanger Bittern Black Duck Black Grouse Black Guillemot Black Kite Black Redstart Black Scoter Black Stork Black Tern Black Vulture Black-and-White Warbler Black-billed Cuckoo Black-browed Albatross Black-capped Petrel Black-eared Wheatear Black-faced Bunting Black-headed Bunting Black-headed Gull Black-necked Grebe Black-tailed Godwit Black-throated Diver Black-throated Thrush Black-winged Pratincole Black-winged Stilt Blackbird Blackburnian Warbler Blackcap Blackcap Hill Blackpoll Warbler Blakeney (clarebu) Blakeney (PIPPY58) Blashford Lakes (clarebu) Blashford Lakes (PIPPY58) Blue Rock Thrush Blue Tit Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Blue-winged Teal Bluethroat Blyth's Pipit Blyth's Reed Warbler Bobolink Bonaparte's Gull Bonelli's Warbler Booted Warbler Borders Bracklesham Bay (PIPPY58) Bracklesham Bay (clarebu) Brambling Brancaster (clarebu) Brancaster (PIPPY58) Brancaster Staithe (clarebu) Brancaster Staithe (PIPPY58) Brandon (clarebu) Brandon (PIPPY58) Breck Farm (PIPPY58) Breck Farm (clarebu) Brecks (clarebu) Brecks (PIPPY58) Brent Goose Bridled Tern Broad-billed Sandpiper Broads (clarebu) Broads (PIPPY58) Brown Flycatcher Brown Shrike Brown Thrasher Brown-headed Cowbird Brunnich's Guillemot Bryher (clarebu) Bryher (PIPPY58) Buckenham Marshes RSPB Buckinghamshire Buff-bellied Pipit Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bufflehead Bullfinch Bulwer's Petrel Burgess Hill (PIPPY58) Burgess Hill (clarebu) Burnham Deepdale (clarebu) Burnham Deepdale (PIPPY58) Burnham Overy Staithe (clarebu) Burnham Overy Staithe (PIPPY58) Burwell (PIPPY58) Burwell (clarebu) Burwell Fen (PIPPY58) Burwell Fen (clarebu) Buzzard Calandra Lark Cambridge (RichardT) Cambridge (clarebu) Cambridge (PIPPY58) Cambridge / Ely (PIPPY58) Cambridge / Ely (RichardT) Cambridge / Ely (clarebu) Cambridge Research Park Cambridgeshire Canada Goose Cantley Marshes RSPB Cape May Warbler Capercaillie Carmarthenshire Carnedd Llewelyn (clarebu) Carnedd Llewelyn (PIPPY58) Carrion Crow Caspian Gull Caspian Plover Caspian Tern Cattle Egret Cavenham Heath (clarebu) Cavenham Heath (PIPPY58) Cedar Waxwing Ceredigion Cetti's Warbler Chaffinch Chailey Chailey Common Charleston Reedbed (PIPPY58) Charleston Reedbed (clarebu) Charlottenburg Charlwood Cherry Hinton Cherry Hinton Park Cheshire / Wirral Chestnut-sided Warbler Chiffchaff Childerley Chimney Swift Chittering Choseley Drying Barns (clarebu) Choseley Drying Barns (PIPPY58) Chough Church Norton Cirl Bunting Cissbury (clarebu) Cissbury (PIPPY58) Citrine Wagtail Cleveland Cley (clarebu) Cley (PIPPY58) Cley area Cley Coastguards (clarebu) Cley Coastguards (RichardT) Cley Coastguards (PIPPY58) Cley Marshes (clarebu) Cley Marshes (RichardT) Cley Marshes (PIPPY58) Cley village (clarebu) Cley village (RichardT) Cley village (PIPPY58) Cliff Swallow Climping Gap (PIPPY58) Climping Gap (clarebu) Clippesby Clyde Co. Durham Coal Tit Cockthorpe (clarebu) Cockthorpe (PIPPY58) Coldhams Common (clarebu) Coldhams Common (PIPPY58) Coldwaltham WTW Collared Dove Collared Flycatcher Collared Pratincole Common Gull Common Nighthawk Common Rosefinch Common Sandpiper Common Scoter Common Tern Common Yellowthroat Conwy Coot Copperhouse Creek (clarebu) Copperhouse Creek (PIPPY58) Cormorant Corn Bunting Corncrake Cornwall Cory's Shearwater Cottenham County Durham (PIPPY58) County Durham (clarebu) Covehithe (PIPPY58) Covehithe (clarebu) Coveney Covent Garden (PIPPY58) Covent Garden (clarebu) Cowfold (PIPPY58) Cowfold (clarebu) Crag Martin Crane Crawley Cream-coloured Courser Cresswell Pond crest sp. Crested Lark Crested Tit Cretzschmar's Bunting Cromer (PIPPY58) Cromer (clarebu) Crossbill Crowborough Cuckmere Haven (PIPPY58) Cuckmere Haven (clarebu) Cuckoo Cumbria Curlew Curlew Sandpiper Dark-eyed Junco Darlington (clarebu) Darlington (PIPPY58) Darlington area (clarebu) Darlington area (PIPPY58) Dartford Warbler Daurian Shrike Daurian Starling Davidstow Airfield (clarebu) Davidstow Airfield (PIPPY58) Denbighshire Denge Marsh Derbyshire Dersingham (clarebu) Dersingham (PIPPY58) Desert Warbler Desert Wheatear Devon Dipper Ditchling Common (clarebu) Ditchling Common (PIPPY58) Docking Dorset Dotterel Double-crested Cormorant Downham Market (clarebu) Downham Market (PIPPY58) Drift Reservoir (PIPPY58) Drift Reservoir (clarebu) Druridge Bay Druridge Pools Dry Drayton Dumfries and Galloway Dungeness (PIPPY58) Dungeness (clarebu) Dunlin Dunner Head (clarebu) Dunner Head (PIPPY58) Dunnock Dunnotar Castle Dunwich (PIPPY58) Dunwich (clarebu) Dunwich Heath (clarebu) Dunwich Heath (PIPPY58) Dusky Thrush Dusky Warbler Eagle Owl Easington (clarebu) Easington (PIPPY58) East Hills (clarebu) East Hills (PIPPY58) East Sussex (PIPPY58) East Sussex (clarebu) East Wretham Heath (clarebu) East Wretham Heath (PIPPY58) East Yorkshire (PIPPY58) East Yorkshire (clarebu) Eastern Phoebe Edburton (clarebu) Edburton (PIPPY58) Egyptian Goose Egyptian Nightjar Egyptian Vulture Eider Eldernell (PIPPY58) Eldernell (clarebu) Elegant Tern Eleonora's Falcon Ely (clarebu) Ely (PIPPY58) Ely area (PIPPY58) Ely area (clarebu) England Eskimo Curlew Essex European Bee-eater Evening Grosbeak Everton (RichardT) Everton (clarebu) Eye-browed Thrush Falcated Duck Fan-tailed Warbler Fen Ditton Feral Pigeon Ferruginous Duck Ferry Field Ferry Pool Fieldfare Fife Filby Broad Firecrest Five Ash Down Flamborough Head (PIPPY58) Flamborough Head (clarebu) Flintshire Forster's Tern Forth Fowlmere (PIPPY58) Fowlmere (clarebu) Fox Sparrow Foxton Frampton Marsh (PIPPY58) Frampton Marsh (clarebu) Franklin's Gull Fremington (clarebu) Fremington (PIPPY58) Fulbourn Fulmar Gadwall Gannet Garden Drove (clarebu) Garden Drove (PIPPY58) Garden Warbler Garganey Garrison (PIPPY58) Garrison (clarebu) Germany Glamorgan Glandford (clarebu) Glandford (PIPPY58) Glaucous Gull Glossy Ibis Gloucestershire Godmanchester Goldcrest Golden Eagle Golden Oriole Golden Pheasant Golden Plover Golden-winged Warbler Goldeneye Goldfinch Goosander goose sp. Goshawk Grafham Water (clarebu) Grafham Water (PIPPY58) Granta Design Grasshopper Warbler Gray Catbird Great Black-backed Gull Great Black-headed Gull Great Bradley Great Bustard Great Crested Grebe Great Grey Shrike Great Knot Great Northern Diver Great Reed Warbler Great Ryburgh (clarebu) Great Ryburgh (PIPPY58) Great Shearwater Great Skua Great Snipe Great Spotted Cuckoo Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Tit Great White Egret Great Wilbraham Greater Flamingo Greater Manchester Greater Sand Plover Greater Yellowlegs Green Heron Green Park Green Sandpiper Green Woodpecker Green-winged Teal Greenfinch Greenish Warbler Greenshank Grey Heron Grey Partridge Grey Phalarope Grey Plover Grey Wagtail Grey-cheeked Thrush Grey-tailed Tattler Greylag Goose Griffon Vulture Grinton Moor Guillemot Gull-billed Tern Gwent Gwydir Forest (PIPPY58) Gwydir Forest (clarebu) Gwynedd Gyrfalcon Haddenham (PIPPY58) Haddenham (clarebu) Haddenham and Aldreth (clarebu) Haddenham and Aldreth (PIPPY58) Hailsham Hampshire Hamworthy Happisburgh (clarebu) Happisburgh (PIPPY58) Harlequin Duck Harlton Hartlepool (clarebu) Hartlepool (PIPPY58) Hartlepool Headland (PIPPY58) Hartlepool Headland (clarebu) Hawfinch Hawk Owl Hayle (PIPPY58) Hayle (clarebu) Hayle Estuary (clarebu) Hayle Estuary (PIPPY58) Haywards Heath (clarebu) Haywards Heath (PIPPY58) Heacham (clarebu) Heacham (PIPPY58) heard Hedgecourt Lake (clarebu) Hedgecourt Lake (PIPPY58) Hen Harrier Herefordshire Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Hertfordshire Hickling Broad (clarebu) Hickling Broad (PIPPY58) High Cross Farm High Hauxley Highland (PIPPY58) Highland (clarebu) Highland and Nairn highlight Hildersham Hobby Hobson's brook (PIPPY58) Hobson's brook (clarebu) Holkham (clarebu) Holkham (PIPPY58) Holme (clarebu) Holme (PIPPY58) Holme Bird Observatory (clarebu) Holme Bird Observatory (PIPPY58) Holme Dunes (clarebu) Holme Dunes (PIPPY58) Holyhead (clarebu) Holyhead (PIPPY58) Honey Buzzard Hooded Crow Hooded Merganser Hooded Warbler Hoopoe Hope Gap (clarebu) Hope Gap (PIPPY58) Horningsea Horsey (PIPPY58) Horsey (clarebu) Horsham (clarebu) Horsham (PIPPY58) Houbara Bustard Houghton Mill House Crow House Martin House Sparrow Hudsonian Godwit Hume's Leaf Warbler Hummersea Farm (clarebu) Hummersea Farm (PIPPY58) Hundred Acre Wood (clarebu) Hundred Acre Wood (PIPPY58) Hunstanton (clarebu) Hunstanton (PIPPY58) Hurworth (clarebu) Hurworth (PIPPY58) Hury Iberian Chiffchaff Iceland Gull Icterine Warbler Indigo Bunting Isabelline Shrike Isabelline Wheatear Isle of Wight Isles of Scilly Ivory Gull Jack Snipe Jackdaw Jay John O'Groats (clarebu) John O'Groats (PIPPY58) Kearton Kelling (PIPPY58) Kelling (clarebu) Kelling Heath (clarebu) Kelling Heath (PIPPY58) Kent Kentish Plover Kestrel Kettering area Killdeer Kilnsea (PIPPY58) Kilnsea (clarebu) Kilnsea wetlands (clarebu) Kilnsea wetlands (PIPPY58) King Eider King's College Chapel King's Parade Kingfisher Kingfishers Bridge Kittiwake Knightwood Oak Knole Park Knot Labrador Bay (PIPPY58) Labrador Bay (clarebu) Lackford Lakes (clarebu) Lackford Lakes (PIPPY58) Lady Amherst's Pheasant Ladywell (clarebu) Ladywell (PIPPY58) Lakenheath (clarebu) Lakenheath (PIPPY58) Lancashire / N.Merseyside Lanceolated Warbler Lancing area (clarebu) Lancing area (PIPPY58) Land's End (clarebu) Land's End (PIPPY58) Lapland Bunting Lapwing large gull sp. Lark Sparrow Laughing Gull Leach's Petrel Least Bittern Least Sandpiper Least Tern Leicestershire Lelant Saltings (PIPPY58) Lelant Saltings (clarebu) Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Crested Tern Lesser Grey Shrike Lesser Kestrel Lesser Scaup Lesser Short-toed Lark Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Lesser White-fronted Goose Lesser Whitethroat Lesser Yellowlegs Lincolnshire Linnet Linton Little Auk Little Bittern Little Bunting Little Bustard Little Crake Little Egret Little Grebe Little Gull Little Ouse Little Owl Little Ringed Plover Little Shearwater Little Stint Little Swift Little Tern Little Thetford Little Whimbrel Little Wilbraham Llanberis (PIPPY58) Llanberis (clarebu) Llyn Coron (PIPPY58) Llyn Coron (clarebu) Loddington Lolworth London Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Long-tailed Skua Long-tailed Tit Long-toed Stint Lothian Lynford Arboretum (clarebu) Lynford Arboretum (PIPPY58) Madeiran Petrel Magnificent Frigatebird Magnolia Warbler Magpie Mallard Malltraeth (clarebu) Malltraeth (PIPPY58) Malltraeth Marsh (clarebu) Malltraeth Marsh (PIPPY58) Mandarin Manton Bay Manx Shearwater Market Square Marmora's Warbler Marsh Harrier Marsh Sandpiper Marsh Tit Marsh Warbler Marske Bridge Martham (PIPPY58) Martham (clarebu) Matsudaira's Storm Petrel Meadow Pipit Mediterranean Gull Mediterranean Shearwater Medmerry RSPB (PIPPY58) Medmerry RSPB (clarebu) Melodious Warbler mention Merlin Mill Hill Milton Minsmere (PIPPY58) Minsmere (clarebu) Mistle Thrush Montagu's Harrier Moorhen Moray Morston (clarebu) Morston (PIPPY58) Mourning Dove Moussier's Redstart Moustached Warbler Muckleburgh Hill (clarebu) Muckleburgh Hill (PIPPY58) Mugimaki Flycatcher Mumbles Mundford (PIPPY58) Mundford (clarebu) Muscovy Duck Mute Swan Naumann's Thrush Nene Washes (clarebu) Nene Washes (PIPPY58) New Forest (clarebu) New Forest (PIPPY58) Newborough Woods (PIPPY58) Newborough Woods (clarebu) Newburgh Newburn Sewer (PIPPY58) Newburn Sewer (clarebu) Newhaven Newtimber Hill Night Heron Nightingale Nightjar Norfolk North Norfolk coast (clarebu) North Norfolk coast (PIPPY58) North Norfolk Coast (RichardT) North Wall North Yorkshire (PIPPY58) North Yorkshire (clarebu) Northamptonshire Northern Flicker Northern Harrier Northern Mockingbird Northern Oriole Northern Parula Northern Waterthrush Northumberland Northward Hill (PIPPY58) Northward Hill (clarebu) Norwich Nottinghamshire Nutcracker Nuthatch Oare Marshes (clarebu) Oare Marshes (PIPPY58) Offord Cluny Offord D'Arcy Old Hunstanton (clarebu) Old Hunstanton (PIPPY58) Old Lodge (clarebu) Old Lodge (PIPPY58) Old Quay House (PIPPY58) Old Quay House (clarebu) Olivaceous Warbler Olive-backed Pipit Oriental Pratincole Orkney Ormesby Broad Orphean Warbler Ortolan Bunting Osprey Ovenbird Oxfordshire Oystercatcher Pacific Diver Pacific Golden Plover Pacific Swift Paddyfield Warbler Pagham Harbour Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Pallas's Reed Bunting Pallas's Sandgrouse Pallas's Warbler Pallid Harrier Pallid Swift Palm Warbler Parrot Crossbill partridge sp. Paxton Pits (clarebu) Paxton Pits (PIPPY58) Pechora Pipit Pectoral Sandpiper Pembrokeshire Pen-y-Gwrd (clarebu) Pen-y-Gwrd (PIPPY58) Pen-y-Pass (clarebu) Pen-y-Pass (PIPPY58) Pendeen (clarebu) Pendeen (PIPPY58) Pendeen Watch (clarebu) Pendeen Watch (PIPPY58) Penduline Tit Penzance (PIPPY58) Penzance (clarebu) Peregrine Perth and Kinross Pett Level (PIPPY58) Pett Level (clarebu) Pevensey Levels (clarebu) Pevensey Levels (PIPPY58) Pheasant Philadelphia Vireo Pied Flycatcher Pied Wagtail Pied Wheatear Pied-billed Grebe Pied/White Wagtail Piltdown Pond Pine Bunting Pine Grosbeak Pink-footed Goose Pintail Plaenterwald Pochard Pomarine Skua Portgower (clarebu) Portgower (PIPPY58) Porthgwarra (clarebu) Porthgwarra (PIPPY58) possible Potsdam Power Station Powys probable Ptarmigan Puffin Pulborough Brooks (clarebu) Pulborough Brooks (PIPPY58) Purple Heron Purple Martin Purple Sandpiper Quail Rackham Viewpoint Rackham Woods Radde's Warbler Raven Razorbill Reach Red Grouse Red Kite Red-backed Shrike Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-crested Pochard Red-eyed Vireo Red-flanked Bluetail Red-footed Booby Red-footed Falcon Red-legged Partridge Red-necked Grebe Red-necked Nightjar Red-necked Phalarope Red-necked Stint Red-rumped Swallow Red-shouldered Hawk Red-throated Diver Red-throated Pipit Red-throated Thrush Redpoll Redshank Redstart Redwing Reed Bunting Reed Warbler Repps Richard's Pipit Richmond (PIPPY58) Richmond (clarebu) Richmond Park (clarebu) Richmond Park (PIPPY58) Richmond-upon-Swale (clarebu) Richmond-upon-Swale (PIPPY58) Ring Ouzel Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Ring-necked Parakeet Ringed Plover Ringstead Downs (clarebu) Ringstead Downs (PIPPY58) River Warbler Robin Rock Bunting Rock Pipit Rock Sparrow Rock Thrush Roller Rook Rose-breasted Grosbeak Rose-coloured Starling Roseate Tern Ross's Gull Rough-legged Buzzard Royal Tern RSPB reserve Ruddy Duck Ruddy Shelduck Ruff Rufous Bushchat Rufous Turtle Dove Rufous-sided Towhee Ruppell's Warbler Rustic Bunting Rusty Blackbird Rutland Rutland Water Rye Harbour (clarebu) Rye Harbour (PIPPY58) Sabine's Gull Sadberge (PIPPY58) Sadberge (clarebu) Saltholme (clarebu) Saltholme (PIPPY58) Salthouse (clarebu) Salthouse (PIPPY58) Sand Martin Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandwich Tern Sandy (RichardT) Sandy (PIPPY58) Sandy (clarebu) Santon Downham (clarebu) Santon Downham (PIPPY58) Sardinian Warbler Savannah Sparrow Savi's Warbler Scaling Dam (clarebu) Scaling Dam (PIPPY58) Scarlet Tanager Scaup Scaynes Hill area (PIPPY58) Scaynes Hill area (clarebu) Schoenefeld airport Scillonian Crossing (clarebu) Scillonian Crossing (PIPPY58) Scillonian Quay (PIPPY58) Scillonian Quay (clarebu) Scops Owl Scotland Scotney Gravel Pits Seaford Seaford Head (PIPPY58) Seaford Head (clarebu) Sedge Warbler Semipalmated Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Serin Shag Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Shelduck Sheringham (clarebu) Sheringham (PIPPY58) Shetland Shore Lark Shoreham Shoreham Fort Short-billed Dowitcher Short-eared Owl Short-toed Eagle Short-toed Lark Short-toed Treecreeper Shoveler Shropshire Siberian Chiffchaff Siberian Rubythroat Siberian Thrush Siskin Skylark Slavonian Grebe Slender-billed Gull Smew Snettisham (clarebu) Snettisham (PIPPY58) Snettisham village (clarebu) Snettisham village (PIPPY58) Snipe Snow Bunting Snow Goose Snowdon (clarebu) Snowdon (PIPPY58) Snowdonia (clarebu) Snowdonia (PIPPY58) Snowy Owl Sociable Plover Soft-plumaged Petrel Soldier Point (PIPPY58) Soldier Point (clarebu) Solitary Sandpiper Somerset / Bristol Song Sparrow Song Thrush Sooty Shearwater Sooty Tern Sora Rail South Downs - Clayton South Stack (PIPPY58) South Stack (clarebu) Southwick Basin Spanish Sparrow Sparrowhawk Spectacled Warbler Splash Point (PIPPY58) Splash Point (clarebu) Spoonbill Spotted Crake Spotted Eagle Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Redshank Spotted Sandpiper Spurn area (clarebu) Spurn area (PIPPY58) Spurn Point (clarebu) Spurn Point (PIPPY58) Squacco Heron St Benets Abbey St Georges Retreat (PIPPY58) St Georges Retreat (clarebu) St James' Park St. Agnes (clarebu) St. Agnes (PIPPY58) St. Ives St. Levan (PIPPY58) St. Levan (clarebu) St. Martin's (PIPPY58) St. Martin's (clarebu) St. Mary's (PIPPY58) St. Mary's (clarebu) St. Mary's Hall Hotel (clarebu) St. Mary's Hall Hotel (PIPPY58) Staffordshire Stalham Starling Steller's Eider Stetchworth Stiffkey (clarebu) Stiffkey (PIPPY58) Stilt Sandpiper Stock Dove Stone Curlew Stone Hill Stonechat Stonehaven Stonehill Storm Petrel Storrington Stow cum Quy Stradsett (PIPPY58) Stradsett (clarebu) Stretham Strumpshaw Fen (clarebu) Strumpshaw Fen (PIPPY58) Stubb Mill (clarebu) Stubb Mill (PIPPY58) Subalpine Warbler Suffolk Summer Tanager Surf Scoter Surrey Sussex Swainson's Thrush Swallow Swanton Novers (clarebu) Swanton Novers (PIPPY58) Swift Swinhoe's Petrel Tawny Owl Tawny Pipit Teal Temminck's Stint Tengmalm's Owl Tennessee Warbler Terek Sandpiper The Burgh The Lodge The Lodge, Sandy (PIPPY58) The Lodge, Sandy (clarebu) Thetford Forest (clarebu) Thetford Forest (PIPPY58) Thick-billed Warbler Thompson Common (clarebu) Thompson Common (PIPPY58) Thornham (clarebu) Thornham (PIPPY58) Thornwick Lake (clarebu) Thornwick Lake (PIPPY58) Thriplow Thrush Nightingale Tiergarten Tilgate Park tit sp. Titchwell (clarebu) Titchwell (PIPPY58) Tongue (PIPPY58) Tongue (clarebu) Tree Pipit Tree Sparrow Tree Swallow Treecreeper Treptower Park Tresco (PIPPY58) Tresco (clarebu) Trumpeter finch Tufted Duck Tunbridge Wells Turkestan Shrike Turner's Hill Turnstone Turtle Dove Twentypence Road Twite Two-barred Crossbill Two-barred Greenish Warbler Uckfield UK Upland Sandpiper Upper Beeding Upper Cuckmere Valley (PIPPY58) Upper Cuckmere Valley (clarebu) Upware Varied Thrush Veery Velvet Scoter Wakehurst Place Walberswick (PIPPY58) Walberswick (clarebu) Wales Wallcreeper Walsey Hills (clarebu) Walsey Hills (PIPPY58) Wandlebury Country Park Wannsee Warbling Vireo Warham Greens (clarebu) Warham Greens (PIPPY58) Warkworth Braid Warnham LNR (clarebu) Warnham LNR (PIPPY58) Warwickshire Water Pipit Water Rail Waterbeach Waxwing Weeting Heath (PIPPY58) Weeting Heath (clarebu) Weir Wood Reservoir (PIPPY58) Weir Wood Reservoir (clarebu) Wells (clarebu) Wells (PIPPY58) Welney (clarebu) Welney (PIPPY58) West Midlands West Runton (clarebu) West Runton (PIPPY58) West Somerton (PIPPY58) West Somerton (clarebu) West Sussex (PIPPY58) West Sussex (clarebu) Western Isles Western Palearctic (PIPPY58) Western Palearctic (RichardT) Western Palearctic (clarebu) Western Sandpiper Westleton (clarebu) Westleton (PIPPY58) Weybourne (clarebu) Weybourne (PIPPY58) Weybourne Woods (PIPPY58) Weybourne Woods (clarebu) Wheatear Whimbrel Whinchat Whiskered Tern Whitburn (PIPPY58) Whitburn (clarebu) White Pelican White Stork White Wagtail White's Thrush White-billed Diver White-crowned Black Wheatear White-crowned Sparrow White-faced Petrel White-fronted Goose White-rumped Sandpiper White-tailed Eagle White-tailed Plover White-throated Needletail White-throated Robin White-throated Sparrow White-winged Black Tern White-winged Lark Whitethroat Whooper Swan Wicken (PIPPY58) Wicken (clarebu) Wicken Fen (clarebu) Wicken Fen (PIPPY58) Widewater Lagoon (clarebu) Widewater Lagoon (PIPPY58) Wigeon Wilbrahams Wilburton Willet's Pool (PIPPY58) Willet's Pool (clarebu) Willow Tit Willow Warbler Wilson's Petrel Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's Snipe Wilson's Warbler Wiltshire Winterton (clarebu) Winterton (PIPPY58) Winterton Dunes (clarebu) Winterton Dunes (PIPPY58) Witcham Witchford Withernsea (PIPPY58) Withernsea (clarebu) Wivelsfield Green (PIPPY58) Wivelsfield Green (clarebu) Wolferton (clarebu) Wolferton (PIPPY58) Wood Sandpiper Wood Thrush Wood Warbler Woodchat Shrike Woodcock Woodditton Woodlark Woodpigeon Woods Mill SWT Wootton Marsh (clarebu) Wootton Marsh (PIPPY58) Worcestershire Wren Wrexham Wryneck Yellow Wagtail Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-breasted Bunting Yellow-browed Bunting Yellow-browed Warbler Yellow-headed Blackbird Yellow-legged Gull Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow-throated Vireo Yellowhammer Yorkshire Ythan Estuary
(Select excluded context)
Abberton Reservoir (PIPPY58) Abberton Reservoir (clarebu) Abbotts Wood Aber Falls (clarebu) Aber Falls (PIPPY58) Aberdeenshire Aberffraw (clarebu) Aberffraw (PIPPY58) Acres Down (PIPPY58) Acres Down (clarebu) Airstrip Alder Flycatcher Aldreth (PIPPY58) Aldreth (clarebu) Aldreth Road Aleutian Tern Allen's Gallinule Alpine Accentor Alpine Swift Amberley Wildbrooks RSPB American Bittern American Coot American Golden Plover American Herring Gull American Kestrel American Purple Gallinule American Redhead American Redstart American Robin American Wigeon Ancient Murrelet Anglesey Angus Appledore (clarebu) Appledore (PIPPY58) Aquatic Warbler ARC pits Arctic Redpoll Arctic Skua Arctic Tern Arctic Warbler Ardingly Argyll and Bute Arne RSPB (PIPPY58) Arne RSPB (clarebu) Ashdown Forest (PIPPY58) Ashdown Forest (clarebu) At home Audley End auk sp. Avocet Ayrshire Babraham Baillon's Crake Baird's Sandpiper Bald Eagle Balearic Shearwater Bar Hill Bar-tailed Godwit Barn Owl Barnacle Goose Barnes WWT (PIPPY58) Barnes WWT (clarebu) Barred Warbler Barrow Common (clarebu) Barrow Common (PIPPY58) Barrow's Goldeneye Bayfield Bird Walk (clarebu) Bayfield Bird Walk (PIPPY58) Beach Beacon Ponds (PIPPY58) Beacon Ponds (clarebu) Bean Goose Bearded Tit Beaulieu Road Station (PIPPY58) Beaulieu Road Station (clarebu) Bedfordshire Belmanarsh Bay (clarebu) Belmanarsh Bay (PIPPY58) Belted Kingfisher Benacre Broad (PIPPY58) Benacre Broad (clarebu) Berkshire Berlin area Bewick's Swan Billockby Bimaculated Lark Birchanger Bittern Black Duck Black Grouse Black Guillemot Black Kite Black Redstart Black Scoter Black Stork Black Tern Black Vulture Black-and-White Warbler Black-billed Cuckoo Black-browed Albatross Black-capped Petrel Black-eared Wheatear Black-faced Bunting Black-headed Bunting Black-headed Gull Black-necked Grebe Black-tailed Godwit Black-throated Diver Black-throated Thrush Black-winged Pratincole Black-winged Stilt Blackbird Blackburnian Warbler Blackcap Blackcap Hill Blackpoll Warbler Blakeney (clarebu) Blakeney (PIPPY58) Blashford Lakes (clarebu) Blashford Lakes (PIPPY58) Blue Rock Thrush Blue Tit Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Blue-winged Teal Bluethroat Blyth's Pipit Blyth's Reed Warbler Bobolink Bonaparte's Gull Bonelli's Warbler Booted Warbler Borders Bracklesham Bay (PIPPY58) Bracklesham Bay (clarebu) Brambling Brancaster (clarebu) Brancaster (PIPPY58) Brancaster Staithe (clarebu) Brancaster Staithe (PIPPY58) Brandon (clarebu) Brandon (PIPPY58) Breck Farm (PIPPY58) Breck Farm (clarebu) Brecks (clarebu) Brecks (PIPPY58) Brent Goose Bridled Tern Broad-billed Sandpiper Broads (clarebu) Broads (PIPPY58) Brown Flycatcher Brown Shrike Brown Thrasher Brown-headed Cowbird Brunnich's Guillemot Bryher (clarebu) Bryher (PIPPY58) Buckenham Marshes RSPB Buckinghamshire Buff-bellied Pipit Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bufflehead Bullfinch Bulwer's Petrel Burgess Hill (PIPPY58) Burgess Hill (clarebu) Burnham Deepdale (clarebu) Burnham Deepdale (PIPPY58) Burnham Overy Staithe (clarebu) Burnham Overy Staithe (PIPPY58) Burwell (PIPPY58) Burwell (clarebu) Burwell Fen (PIPPY58) Burwell Fen (clarebu) Buzzard Calandra Lark Cambridge (RichardT) Cambridge (clarebu) Cambridge (PIPPY58) Cambridge / Ely (PIPPY58) Cambridge / Ely (RichardT) Cambridge / Ely (clarebu) Cambridge Research Park Cambridgeshire Canada Goose Cantley Marshes RSPB Cape May Warbler Capercaillie Carmarthenshire Carnedd Llewelyn (clarebu) Carnedd Llewelyn (PIPPY58) Carrion Crow Caspian Gull Caspian Plover Caspian Tern Cattle Egret Cavenham Heath (clarebu) Cavenham Heath (PIPPY58) Cedar Waxwing Ceredigion Cetti's Warbler Chaffinch Chailey Chailey Common Charleston Reedbed (PIPPY58) Charleston Reedbed (clarebu) Charlottenburg Charlwood Cherry Hinton Cherry Hinton Park Cheshire / Wirral Chestnut-sided Warbler Chiffchaff Childerley Chimney Swift Chittering Choseley Drying Barns (clarebu) Choseley Drying Barns (PIPPY58) Chough Church Norton Cirl Bunting Cissbury (clarebu) Cissbury (PIPPY58) Citrine Wagtail Cleveland Cley (clarebu) Cley (PIPPY58) Cley area Cley Coastguards (clarebu) Cley Coastguards (RichardT) Cley Coastguards (PIPPY58) Cley Marshes (clarebu) Cley Marshes (RichardT) Cley Marshes (PIPPY58) Cley village (clarebu) Cley village (RichardT) Cley village (PIPPY58) Cliff Swallow Climping Gap (PIPPY58) Climping Gap (clarebu) Clippesby Clyde Co. Durham Coal Tit Cockthorpe (clarebu) Cockthorpe (PIPPY58) Coldhams Common (clarebu) Coldhams Common (PIPPY58) Coldwaltham WTW Collared Dove Collared Flycatcher Collared Pratincole Common Gull Common Nighthawk Common Rosefinch Common Sandpiper Common Scoter Common Tern Common Yellowthroat Conwy Coot Copperhouse Creek (clarebu) Copperhouse Creek (PIPPY58) Cormorant Corn Bunting Corncrake Cornwall Cory's Shearwater Cottenham County Durham (PIPPY58) County Durham (clarebu) Covehithe (PIPPY58) Covehithe (clarebu) Coveney Covent Garden (PIPPY58) Covent Garden (clarebu) Cowfold (PIPPY58) Cowfold (clarebu) Crag Martin Crane Crawley Cream-coloured Courser Cresswell Pond crest sp. Crested Lark Crested Tit Cretzschmar's Bunting Cromer (PIPPY58) Cromer (clarebu) Crossbill Crowborough Cuckmere Haven (PIPPY58) Cuckmere Haven (clarebu) Cuckoo Cumbria Curlew Curlew Sandpiper Dark-eyed Junco Darlington (clarebu) Darlington (PIPPY58) Darlington area (clarebu) Darlington area (PIPPY58) Dartford Warbler Daurian Shrike Daurian Starling Davidstow Airfield (clarebu) Davidstow Airfield (PIPPY58) Denbighshire Denge Marsh Derbyshire Dersingham (clarebu) Dersingham (PIPPY58) Desert Warbler Desert Wheatear Devon Dipper Ditchling Common (clarebu) Ditchling Common (PIPPY58) Docking Dorset Dotterel Double-crested Cormorant Downham Market (clarebu) Downham Market (PIPPY58) Drift Reservoir (PIPPY58) Drift Reservoir (clarebu) Druridge Bay Druridge Pools Dry Drayton Dumfries and Galloway Dungeness (PIPPY58) Dungeness (clarebu) Dunlin Dunner Head (clarebu) Dunner Head (PIPPY58) Dunnock Dunnotar Castle Dunwich (PIPPY58) Dunwich (clarebu) Dunwich Heath (clarebu) Dunwich Heath (PIPPY58) Dusky Thrush Dusky Warbler Eagle Owl Easington (clarebu) Easington (PIPPY58) East Hills (clarebu) East Hills (PIPPY58) East Sussex (PIPPY58) East Sussex (clarebu) East Wretham Heath (clarebu) East Wretham Heath (PIPPY58) East Yorkshire (PIPPY58) East Yorkshire (clarebu) Eastern Phoebe Edburton (clarebu) Edburton (PIPPY58) Egyptian Goose Egyptian Nightjar Egyptian Vulture Eider Eldernell (PIPPY58) Eldernell (clarebu) Elegant Tern Eleonora's Falcon Ely (clarebu) Ely (PIPPY58) Ely area (PIPPY58) Ely area (clarebu) England Eskimo Curlew Essex European Bee-eater Evening Grosbeak Everton (RichardT) Everton (clarebu) Eye-browed Thrush Falcated Duck Fan-tailed Warbler Fen Ditton Feral Pigeon Ferruginous Duck Ferry Field Ferry Pool Fieldfare Fife Filby Broad Firecrest Five Ash Down Flamborough Head (PIPPY58) Flamborough Head (clarebu) Flintshire Forster's Tern Forth Fowlmere (PIPPY58) Fowlmere (clarebu) Fox Sparrow Foxton Frampton Marsh (PIPPY58) Frampton Marsh (clarebu) Franklin's Gull Fremington (clarebu) Fremington (PIPPY58) Fulbourn Fulmar Gadwall Gannet Garden Drove (clarebu) Garden Drove (PIPPY58) Garden Warbler Garganey Garrison (PIPPY58) Garrison (clarebu) Germany Glamorgan Glandford (clarebu) Glandford (PIPPY58) Glaucous Gull Glossy Ibis Gloucestershire Godmanchester Goldcrest Golden Eagle Golden Oriole Golden Pheasant Golden Plover Golden-winged Warbler Goldeneye Goldfinch Goosander goose sp. Goshawk Grafham Water (clarebu) Grafham Water (PIPPY58) Granta Design Grasshopper Warbler Gray Catbird Great Black-backed Gull Great Black-headed Gull Great Bradley Great Bustard Great Crested Grebe Great Grey Shrike Great Knot Great Northern Diver Great Reed Warbler Great Ryburgh (clarebu) Great Ryburgh (PIPPY58) Great Shearwater Great Skua Great Snipe Great Spotted Cuckoo Great Spotted Woodpecker Great Tit Great White Egret Great Wilbraham Greater Flamingo Greater Manchester Greater Sand Plover Greater Yellowlegs Green Heron Green Park Green Sandpiper Green Woodpecker Green-winged Teal Greenfinch Greenish Warbler Greenshank Grey Heron Grey Partridge Grey Phalarope Grey Plover Grey Wagtail Grey-cheeked Thrush Grey-tailed Tattler Greylag Goose Griffon Vulture Grinton Moor Guillemot Gull-billed Tern Gwent Gwydir Forest (PIPPY58) Gwydir Forest (clarebu) Gwynedd Gyrfalcon Haddenham (PIPPY58) Haddenham (clarebu) Haddenham and Aldreth (clarebu) Haddenham and Aldreth (PIPPY58) Hailsham Hampshire Hamworthy Happisburgh (clarebu) Happisburgh (PIPPY58) Harlequin Duck Harlton Hartlepool (clarebu) Hartlepool (PIPPY58) Hartlepool Headland (PIPPY58) Hartlepool Headland (clarebu) Hawfinch Hawk Owl Hayle (PIPPY58) Hayle (clarebu) Hayle Estuary (clarebu) Hayle Estuary (PIPPY58) Haywards Heath (clarebu) Haywards Heath (PIPPY58) Heacham (clarebu) Heacham (PIPPY58) heard Hedgecourt Lake (clarebu) Hedgecourt Lake (PIPPY58) Hen Harrier Herefordshire Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Hertfordshire Hickling Broad (clarebu) Hickling Broad (PIPPY58) High Cross Farm High Hauxley Highland (PIPPY58) Highland (clarebu) Highland and Nairn highlight Hildersham Hobby Hobson's brook (PIPPY58) Hobson's brook (clarebu) Holkham (clarebu) Holkham (PIPPY58) Holme (clarebu) Holme (PIPPY58) Holme Bird Observatory (clarebu) Holme Bird Observatory (PIPPY58) Holme Dunes (clarebu) Holme Dunes (PIPPY58) Holyhead (clarebu) Holyhead (PIPPY58) Honey Buzzard Hooded Crow Hooded Merganser Hooded Warbler Hoopoe Hope Gap (clarebu) Hope Gap (PIPPY58) Horningsea Horsey (PIPPY58) Horsey (clarebu) Horsham (clarebu) Horsham (PIPPY58) Houbara Bustard Houghton Mill House Crow House Martin House Sparrow Hudsonian Godwit Hume's Leaf Warbler Hummersea Farm (clarebu) Hummersea Farm (PIPPY58) Hundred Acre Wood (clarebu) Hundred Acre Wood (PIPPY58) Hunstanton (clarebu) Hunstanton (PIPPY58) Hurworth (clarebu) Hurworth (PIPPY58) Hury Iberian Chiffchaff Iceland Gull Icterine Warbler Indigo Bunting Isabelline Shrike Isabelline Wheatear Isle of Wight Isles of Scilly Ivory Gull Jack Snipe Jackdaw Jay John O'Groats (clarebu) John O'Groats (PIPPY58) Kearton Kelling (PIPPY58) Kelling (clarebu) Kelling Heath (clarebu) Kelling Heath (PIPPY58) Kent Kentish Plover Kestrel Kettering area Killdeer Kilnsea (PIPPY58) Kilnsea (clarebu) Kilnsea wetlands (clarebu) Kilnsea wetlands (PIPPY58) King Eider King's College Chapel King's Parade Kingfisher Kingfishers Bridge Kittiwake Knightwood Oak Knole Park Knot Labrador Bay (PIPPY58) Labrador Bay (clarebu) Lackford Lakes (clarebu) Lackford Lakes (PIPPY58) Lady Amherst's Pheasant Ladywell (clarebu) Ladywell (PIPPY58) Lakenheath (clarebu) Lakenheath (PIPPY58) Lancashire / N.Merseyside Lanceolated Warbler Lancing area (clarebu) Lancing area (PIPPY58) Land's End (clarebu) Land's End (PIPPY58) Lapland Bunting Lapwing large gull sp. Lark Sparrow Laughing Gull Leach's Petrel Least Bittern Least Sandpiper Least Tern Leicestershire Lelant Saltings (PIPPY58) Lelant Saltings (clarebu) Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Crested Tern Lesser Grey Shrike Lesser Kestrel Lesser Scaup Lesser Short-toed Lark Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Lesser White-fronted Goose Lesser Whitethroat Lesser Yellowlegs Lincolnshire Linnet Linton Little Auk Little Bittern Little Bunting Little Bustard Little Crake Little Egret Little Grebe Little Gull Little Ouse Little Owl Little Ringed Plover Little Shearwater Little Stint Little Swift Little Tern Little Thetford Little Whimbrel Little Wilbraham Llanberis (PIPPY58) Llanberis (clarebu) Llyn Coron (PIPPY58) Llyn Coron (clarebu) Loddington Lolworth London Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Long-tailed Skua Long-tailed Tit Long-toed Stint Lothian Lynford Arboretum (clarebu) Lynford Arboretum (PIPPY58) Madeiran Petrel Magnificent Frigatebird Magnolia Warbler Magpie Mallard Malltraeth (clarebu) Malltraeth (PIPPY58) Malltraeth Marsh (clarebu) Malltraeth Marsh (PIPPY58) Mandarin Manton Bay Manx Shearwater Market Square Marmora's Warbler Marsh Harrier Marsh Sandpiper Marsh Tit Marsh Warbler Marske Bridge Martham (PIPPY58) Martham (clarebu) Matsudaira's Storm Petrel Meadow Pipit Mediterranean Gull Mediterranean Shearwater Medmerry RSPB (PIPPY58) Medmerry RSPB (clarebu) Melodious Warbler mention Merlin Mill Hill Milton Minsmere (PIPPY58) Minsmere (clarebu) Mistle Thrush Montagu's Harrier Moorhen Moray Morston (clarebu) Morston (PIPPY58) Mourning Dove Moussier's Redstart Moustached Warbler Muckleburgh Hill (clarebu) Muckleburgh Hill (PIPPY58) Mugimaki Flycatcher Mumbles Mundford (PIPPY58) Mundford (clarebu) Muscovy Duck Mute Swan Naumann's Thrush Nene Washes (clarebu) Nene Washes (PIPPY58) New Forest (clarebu) New Forest (PIPPY58) Newborough Woods (PIPPY58) Newborough Woods (clarebu) Newburgh Newburn Sewer (PIPPY58) Newburn Sewer (clarebu) Newhaven Newtimber Hill Night Heron Nightingale Nightjar Norfolk North Norfolk coast (clarebu) North Norfolk coast (PIPPY58) North Norfolk Coast (RichardT) North Wall North Yorkshire (PIPPY58) North Yorkshire (clarebu) Northamptonshire Northern Flicker Northern Harrier Northern Mockingbird Northern Oriole Northern Parula Northern Waterthrush Northumberland Northward Hill (PIPPY58) Northward Hill (clarebu) Norwich Nottinghamshire Nutcracker Nuthatch Oare Marshes (clarebu) Oare Marshes (PIPPY58) Offord Cluny Offord D'Arcy Old Hunstanton (clarebu) Old Hunstanton (PIPPY58) Old Lodge (clarebu) Old Lodge (PIPPY58) Old Quay House (PIPPY58) Old Quay House (clarebu) Olivaceous Warbler Olive-backed Pipit Oriental Pratincole Orkney Ormesby Broad Orphean Warbler Ortolan Bunting Osprey Ovenbird Oxfordshire Oystercatcher Pacific Diver Pacific Golden Plover Pacific Swift Paddyfield Warbler Pagham Harbour Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Pallas's Reed Bunting Pallas's Sandgrouse Pallas's Warbler Pallid Harrier Pallid Swift Palm Warbler Parrot Crossbill partridge sp. Paxton Pits (clarebu) Paxton Pits (PIPPY58) Pechora Pipit Pectoral Sandpiper Pembrokeshire Pen-y-Gwrd (clarebu) Pen-y-Gwrd (PIPPY58) Pen-y-Pass (clarebu) Pen-y-Pass (PIPPY58) Pendeen (clarebu) Pendeen (PIPPY58) Pendeen Watch (clarebu) Pendeen Watch (PIPPY58) Penduline Tit Penzance (PIPPY58) Penzance (clarebu) Peregrine Perth and Kinross Pett Level (PIPPY58) Pett Level (clarebu) Pevensey Levels (clarebu) Pevensey Levels (PIPPY58) Pheasant Philadelphia Vireo Pied Flycatcher Pied Wagtail Pied Wheatear Pied-billed Grebe Pied/White Wagtail Piltdown Pond Pine Bunting Pine Grosbeak Pink-footed Goose Pintail Plaenterwald Pochard Pomarine Skua Portgower (clarebu) Portgower (PIPPY58) Porthgwarra (clarebu) Porthgwarra (PIPPY58) possible Potsdam Power Station Powys probable Ptarmigan Puffin Pulborough Brooks (clarebu) Pulborough Brooks (PIPPY58) Purple Heron Purple Martin Purple Sandpiper Quail Rackham Viewpoint Rackham Woods Radde's Warbler Raven Razorbill Reach Red Grouse Red Kite Red-backed Shrike Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-crested Pochard Red-eyed Vireo Red-flanked Bluetail Red-footed Booby Red-footed Falcon Red-legged Partridge Red-necked Grebe Red-necked Nightjar Red-necked Phalarope Red-necked Stint Red-rumped Swallow Red-shouldered Hawk Red-throated Diver Red-throated Pipit Red-throated Thrush Redpoll Redshank Redstart Redwing Reed Bunting Reed Warbler Repps Richard's Pipit Richmond (PIPPY58) Richmond (clarebu) Richmond Park (clarebu) Richmond Park (PIPPY58) Richmond-upon-Swale (clarebu) Richmond-upon-Swale (PIPPY58) Ring Ouzel Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Ring-necked Parakeet Ringed Plover Ringstead Downs (clarebu) Ringstead Downs (PIPPY58) River Warbler Robin Rock Bunting Rock Pipit Rock Sparrow Rock Thrush Roller Rook Rose-breasted Grosbeak Rose-coloured Starling Roseate Tern Ross's Gull Rough-legged Buzzard Royal Tern RSPB reserve Ruddy Duck Ruddy Shelduck Ruff Rufous Bushchat Rufous Turtle Dove Rufous-sided Towhee Ruppell's Warbler Rustic Bunting Rusty Blackbird Rutland Rutland Water Rye Harbour (clarebu) Rye Harbour (PIPPY58) Sabine's Gull Sadberge (PIPPY58) Sadberge (clarebu) Saltholme (clarebu) Saltholme (PIPPY58) Salthouse (clarebu) Salthouse (PIPPY58) Sand Martin Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandwich Tern Sandy (RichardT) Sandy (PIPPY58) Sandy (clarebu) Santon Downham (clarebu) Santon Downham (PIPPY58) Sardinian Warbler Savannah Sparrow Savi's Warbler Scaling Dam (clarebu) Scaling Dam (PIPPY58) Scarlet Tanager Scaup Scaynes Hill area (PIPPY58) Scaynes Hill area (clarebu) Schoenefeld airport Scillonian Crossing (clarebu) Scillonian Crossing (PIPPY58) Scillonian Quay (PIPPY58) Scillonian Quay (clarebu) Scops Owl Scotland Scotney Gravel Pits Seaford Seaford Head (PIPPY58) Seaford Head (clarebu) Sedge Warbler Semipalmated Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Serin Shag Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Shelduck Sheringham (clarebu) Sheringham (PIPPY58) Shetland Shore Lark Shoreham Shoreham Fort Short-billed Dowitcher Short-eared Owl Short-toed Eagle Short-toed Lark Short-toed Treecreeper Shoveler Shropshire Siberian Chiffchaff Siberian Rubythroat Siberian Thrush Siskin Skylark Slavonian Grebe Slender-billed Gull Smew Snettisham (clarebu) Snettisham (PIPPY58) Snettisham village (clarebu) Snettisham village (PIPPY58) Snipe Snow Bunting Snow Goose Snowdon (clarebu) Snowdon (PIPPY58) Snowdonia (clarebu) Snowdonia (PIPPY58) Snowy Owl Sociable Plover Soft-plumaged Petrel Soldier Point (PIPPY58) Soldier Point (clarebu) Solitary Sandpiper Somerset / Bristol Song Sparrow Song Thrush Sooty Shearwater Sooty Tern Sora Rail South Downs - Clayton South Stack (PIPPY58) South Stack (clarebu) Southwick Basin Spanish Sparrow Sparrowhawk Spectacled Warbler Splash Point (PIPPY58) Splash Point (clarebu) Spoonbill Spotted Crake Spotted Eagle Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Redshank Spotted Sandpiper Spurn area (clarebu) Spurn area (PIPPY58) Spurn Point (clarebu) Spurn Point (PIPPY58) Squacco Heron St Benets Abbey St Georges Retreat (PIPPY58) St Georges Retreat (clarebu) St James' Park St. Agnes (clarebu) St. Agnes (PIPPY58) St. Ives St. Levan (PIPPY58) St. Levan (clarebu) St. Martin's (PIPPY58) St. Martin's (clarebu) St. Mary's (PIPPY58) St. Mary's (clarebu) St. Mary's Hall Hotel (clarebu) St. Mary's Hall Hotel (PIPPY58) Staffordshire Stalham Starling Steller's Eider Stetchworth Stiffkey (clarebu) Stiffkey (PIPPY58) Stilt Sandpiper Stock Dove Stone Curlew Stone Hill Stonechat Stonehaven Stonehill Storm Petrel Storrington Stow cum Quy Stradsett (PIPPY58) Stradsett (clarebu) Stretham Strumpshaw Fen (clarebu) Strumpshaw Fen (PIPPY58) Stubb Mill (clarebu) Stubb Mill (PIPPY58) Subalpine Warbler Suffolk Summer Tanager Surf Scoter Surrey Sussex Swainson's Thrush Swallow Swanton Novers (clarebu) Swanton Novers (PIPPY58) Swift Swinhoe's Petrel Tawny Owl Tawny Pipit Teal Temminck's Stint Tengmalm's Owl Tennessee Warbler Terek Sandpiper The Burgh The Lodge The Lodge, Sandy (PIPPY58) The Lodge, Sandy (clarebu) Thetford Forest (clarebu) Thetford Forest (PIPPY58) Thick-billed Warbler Thompson Common (clarebu) Thompson Common (PIPPY58) Thornham (clarebu) Thornham (PIPPY58) Thornwick Lake (clarebu) Thornwick Lake (PIPPY58) Thriplow Thrush Nightingale Tiergarten Tilgate Park tit sp. Titchwell (clarebu) Titchwell (PIPPY58) Tongue (PIPPY58) Tongue (clarebu) Tree Pipit Tree Sparrow Tree Swallow Treecreeper Treptower Park Tresco (PIPPY58) Tresco (clarebu) Trumpeter finch Tufted Duck Tunbridge Wells Turkestan Shrike Turner's Hill Turnstone Turtle Dove Twentypence Road Twite Two-barred Crossbill Two-barred Greenish Warbler Uckfield UK Upland Sandpiper Upper Beeding Upper Cuckmere Valley (PIPPY58) Upper Cuckmere Valley (clarebu) Upware Varied Thrush Veery Velvet Scoter Wakehurst Place Walberswick (PIPPY58) Walberswick (clarebu) Wales Wallcreeper Walsey Hills (clarebu) Walsey Hills (PIPPY58) Wandlebury Country Park Wannsee Warbling Vireo Warham Greens (clarebu) Warham Greens (PIPPY58) Warkworth Braid Warnham LNR (clarebu) Warnham LNR (PIPPY58) Warwickshire Water Pipit Water Rail Waterbeach Waxwing Weeting Heath (PIPPY58) Weeting Heath (clarebu) Weir Wood Reservoir (PIPPY58) Weir Wood Reservoir (clarebu) Wells (clarebu) Wells (PIPPY58) Welney (clarebu) Welney (PIPPY58) West Midlands West Runton (clarebu) West Runton (PIPPY58) West Somerton (PIPPY58) West Somerton (clarebu) West Sussex (PIPPY58) West Sussex (clarebu) Western Isles Western Palearctic (PIPPY58) Western Palearctic (RichardT) Western Palearctic (clarebu) Western Sandpiper Westleton (clarebu) Westleton (PIPPY58) Weybourne (clarebu) Weybourne (PIPPY58) Weybourne Woods (PIPPY58) Weybourne Woods (clarebu) Wheatear Whimbrel Whinchat Whiskered Tern Whitburn (PIPPY58) Whitburn (clarebu) White Pelican White Stork White Wagtail White's Thrush White-billed Diver White-crowned Black Wheatear White-crowned Sparrow White-faced Petrel White-fronted Goose White-rumped Sandpiper White-tailed Eagle White-tailed Plover White-throated Needletail White-throated Robin White-throated Sparrow White-winged Black Tern White-winged Lark Whitethroat Whooper Swan Wicken (PIPPY58) Wicken (clarebu) Wicken Fen (clarebu) Wicken Fen (PIPPY58) Widewater Lagoon (clarebu) Widewater Lagoon (PIPPY58) Wigeon Wilbrahams Wilburton Willet's Pool (PIPPY58) Willet's Pool (clarebu) Willow Tit Willow Warbler Wilson's Petrel Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's Snipe Wilson's Warbler Wiltshire Winterton (clarebu) Winterton (PIPPY58) Winterton Dunes (clarebu) Winterton Dunes (PIPPY58) Witcham Witchford Withernsea (PIPPY58) Withernsea (clarebu) Wivelsfield Green (PIPPY58) Wivelsfield Green (clarebu) Wolferton (clarebu) Wolferton (PIPPY58) Wood Sandpiper Wood Thrush Wood Warbler Woodchat Shrike Woodcock Woodditton Woodlark Woodpigeon Woods Mill SWT Wootton Marsh (clarebu) Wootton Marsh (PIPPY58) Worcestershire Wren Wrexham Wryneck Yellow Wagtail Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-breasted Bunting Yellow-browed Bunting Yellow-browed Warbler Yellow-headed Blackbird Yellow-legged Gull Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow-throated Vireo Yellowhammer Yorkshire Ythan Estuary